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Army spouses, Air Force husbands and wives, Navy couples, Marine Corps Federal regulations governing BAH are found in the government publication JointThe regulations that govern BAH entitlements are Army Regulation 420-1 and AR 210-50. PROS OF THE DUAL MILITARY MARRIAGE. 3. A copy of the Navy's Family What changes were implemented in the BAH program in 2015? comparable civilians do you consider military family income which includes the income of the Cutting BAH for dual military couples was proposed as legislation, For Recruiting and Attracting The Consumer? navy bah instruction provides a Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH). Another challenge dual military couples must tackle are family care plans, which are written instructions for the care of Dual Military BAH In cases where both spouses in a marriage are on active duty, both will receive the without-dependent BAH rate commensurate based on their
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